
Biologik specializes in the distribution and installation of high quality Biological products, Food Safety & Hygiene, Potable Water Treatment, Waste Water Treatment , Mechanical Water Engineering Equipment & Treatment Solutions on all levels. With a great concern of the growing deterioration of water quality worldwide, Biologik has researched and developed what we believe to be the finest water treatment solutions available in the market today. We operate globally and pride ourselves as seeing no job too big or too small. With our extensive product range & highly skilled professionals which over 30 years experience in the industry we are able to customize and provide a complete environmentally friendly turn-key solution to our domestic, industrial and municipal clients. We pride ourselves as a Total Solutions Provider that can offer a combined package or individual solution of high quality products to meet any requirements under any conditions. Where as mechanical screening equipment goes we have since added BIOMEK a division of the Biologik Group where we are proud to be the sole & official suppliers and distributors for Mellegård & Naij group and able to supply custom mechanical screening equipment to meet most demanding of issues with ease. Our products do not have a negative impact on the environment, which allows us to contribute in our own small way to protect our planet and provide our clients with peace of mind that they too are making a difference. We strive to provide the highest level of service and care to our customers. We have established a culture of pride and quality in everything we do. We realize, that the success of our company is reliant upon our ability to distribute the highest quality products and a strong after sales service. Going the extra mile is part of Biologik‘s culture!!!



Our Products :



Biologik floor cleaner

Biologik floor cleaner is a liquid concentrate for the use as a biologically-based floor cleaner. This unique formulation combines eco-friendly chemistry and application-specific bacteria to offer an innovative way of cleaning a wide variety of floor, surfaces. The product contains an effective blend of bacillus organisms plus a lipase enzyme, all of which have been selected for accelerated degradation of organic material that builds up on floor surfaces over time. The bacteria have been selected for their ability to degrade organic compounds such as grease, fats, proteins, starch and sugars. The lipase enzyme addition provides an effective boost for hydrolyzing fats, oils and greases. Continued use of Biologik floor cleaner in residential, institutional and industrial floor cleaning applications provides a safe and efficient way of maintaining clean floors.


Superior fully formulated with focus on high performance cleaning and degreasing Advanced chemistry ensures immediate and effective cleaning Addition of lipase ensures faster degradation of FOG residue Product continues to degrade organic matter by biological action post-cleaning Product prevents grease from resurfacing thus preventing dangerous, slippery floor conditions Product provides additional advantages in biological drain maintenance Product is safe for users and the environment Neutral PH No rinsing required Applications All types of floors and surfaces PACKAGING:
5l & 25l drums Dilution rate is 10 litres of water to 1 litre of concentrate.

  • Biologik Bio-Urinal cubes deliver large numbers of application-specific organic waste-degrading bacteria.
  • The cubes also contain the latest eco-friendly scale prevention technology to reduce inorganic and organic scale build-up in urinals, traps associated pipe work.
  • The removal of this scale prevents the formation of odors at source.
  • Experience has shown that the frequency of urinal flushing can be reduced, possibly as far as one to two service flushes per day, offering the opportunity for significant water cost savings.
  • Each Bio-Urinal cube weighs 33 grams is approximately 30mm in each dimension.


One Bio-urinal cube is placed in each urinal and will last 2-6 weeks. In case of troughs, approximately every 50cm, and then change every 2-6 weeks or when cube has been reduced to less than one quarter of the original size.
During use the cube slowly dissolves, delivering a combination of application-specific bacteria and eco-friendly scale prevention technology which, in combination, massively reduces inorganic and organic scale in urinals, traps and associated pipe work.
Note that this product is not intended to compete directly with traditional chemical (PDCB) toss blocks where a pile of blocks is placed in each urinal and is then replaced frequently.
The Bio-urinal Cubes are scientifically formulated so that one cube treats one urinal for up to 6 weeks.


Allows for 24 hour continuous treatment, not just periodic dosage
Greatly reduces labor time needed for dosage maintenance
Reduces hydrogen sulfide & prevention of struvite scale
Easy to use
Significantly reduces malodors
Cost effective & reduces the need for pump-outs
Eliminates need for metering pump – no initial (pumps) or maintenance cost
Eliminates need for personnel to dose other types of treatments daily or weekly
Easy to install – no special equipment or labour required so highly cost effective
All strains are EEC Class 1. Product contains Bacillus bacteria in 100% spore form for extended product life
Manufactured in accordance with recognised international quality standard ISO 9001

Inorganic Scale:

Inorganic scale is a much more complex science, consisting of simple compounds from the flush water such as calcium carbonate (the scale found in kettles in hard water areas) plus more complex inorganic combinations, such as struvite.
Struvite is a compound called magnesium ammonium phosphate.
The magnesium and phosphate are present in the water and the ammonia comes from breakdown of the compounds in urine.
The scale forms as a regular lattice, represented by the brown balls in the right hand diagram above.
Rather than attempting to bind every inorganic scale forming element, Bio-Urinal cubes contain a scale prevention technology.
The scale prevention material is represented as the blue lines in the right hand diagram above.
It lies within the scale structure (brown balls) preventing the formation of rigid scale lattice, as would occur in an untreated situation (right hand diagram).
Although some deposits may still form, they are soft in nature and are more easily remove by cleaning or by the flush water.
Prevention of struvite scale
The scale prevention technology prevents the formation of simple and complex inorganic scales; a few parts per million of the active substance resulted in a 94% reduction in struvite formation.

Technical specifications:

targeted compounds Organic and inorganic scale, uric acid
bacterial count
1.0e8 cfu/gram
bacterial type
Bacillus spores
formula properties
Green cube with fragrance
performance properties
One cube lasts 2-6 weeks
packaging:1 tub containing 50 cubes or singular cubes



Biologik General Purpose Cleaner is unique biological cleaner combining chemistry application-specific beneficial bacteria to offer an innovative way of cleaning a wide variety of hard surfaces such as toilet bowls, sinks, bathroom fixtures, bathroom floors, etc. it is available in a dilutable concentrate (10X) and a ready to use product.


Biologik General Purpose Cleaner contains an effective blend of Bacillus organisms, selected specifically for accelerated degradation of organic material that builds up on surfaces overtime.
The specific Bacillus strains have been selected for their ability to degrade organic compounds such as grease, fats, proteins, starch and complex carbohydrates.
The beneficial bacteria penetrate deep into tiny imperfections and pores where persistent dirt hides, continuing to work long after the product is applied.
Continued use in residential, institutional and industrial provides a safe and efficient way of cleaning, deodorising, and removing stains on surfaces and continues to work whilst soiling is present.


Superior fully formulated product Produces high-performance cleaning of all types of hard surfaces (excluding food preparation surfaces)
Optimised proprietary bacterial consortium. Degrades a broader spectrum of substrates including grease, fats, proteins, starch and complex carbohydrates.
Multi-surfactant combination. Ensures highly effective cleaning
Ideally suited to washroom and lavatory applications: includes a modern highly biodegradable scale control package that is highly-effective at reducing scales associated with hard water.
The product bacteria can degrade uric salts that otherwise contribute to scale and malodour
Application-specific bacteria degrade a wide range of dirt, soiling and other organic matter and continue to work whilst soiling is present
Removes sources of odour and achieves complete bacterial degradation of trapped organic matter, then adds pleasant fragrance. Thereby creating pleasant washroom experience
Readily biodegradable, low toxicity formulae. Minimises environmental impact
Modern bacteria-compatible chemistry for maximum product performance. Optimises performance of bacteria due to the unique combination of chemistry and application-specific bacteria
Long product shelf life due to stability of Bacillus spores. Creates reliable, long-lasting, high-performance
Manufactured in accordance with recognised international standards, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Ensures consistent quality of product.

All types of hard surfaces, particularly in bathrooms
Car Seats

Shake well before use. For surfaces, dilute with water at a rate of 1:10 into a spray bottle. Spray onto surface, wipe using a microfibre cloth.
For floors; dilute into a bucket of water and mop floor as normal.
Technical specifications: targeted compounds wide range of organic compounds including proteins, starches, cellulose and fats, oils and greases bacterial type Bacillus spore blend formula properties turbid, light brown liquid with surfactant odor performance properties effective pH range: 4.0-11.0 temperature range: 5-50°C packaging Available in 5, 25, 200 litre pack sizes

BIOLOGIK Effluent Starter

BOD/COD and solids reduction An application-specific bacterial product for effluent plant start up, upset recovery and promotion of biological floc formation; will also augment BOD/COD and solids reduction

BIOLOGIK Effluent Starter is an application specific blend of bacterial and fungal cultures selected to degrade a wide range of organic materials, especially cellulose and other plant derived materials. The fungi in the product will also stimulate the formation of biological flocs, quickly establishing biomass with the optimum separation characteristics within the plant. This will improve:
• Industrial and municipal biological effluent plants during start-up and upset recovery
• BOD/COD and suspended solids reduction
• Biological treatment of starchy and cellulose containing wastes such as those from the food processing and pulp & paper industries.

• For start-up and upset recovery in:
- Municipal and industrial
biological waste water plants.
- Small packaged sewage plants.
• For augmentation of system
treating effluents containing a lot of
cellulosic material:
- Fruit and vegetable processing
- Pulp and paper mills
• For improvement of BOD/COD and suspended solids removal in poorly operating biological effluent plants.
Advantages of Biologik Bio-Effluent Starter Optimised, application-specific, proprietary bacterial consortium.
Addition of specially selected fungal strains to encourage biological floc formation and the aid of cellulose degrading.
Bacillus species 100% in spore from providing long product shelf life Manufactured in accordance with recognized international standards, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 floc formation; • Recent research on the microbial make-up of the flocs in waste water treatment plants has shown that bacteria use fungal filaments (mycelium or hyphae) as a substratum to grow on to form the more familiar bacteria dominated floc.
• Microscopic analysis of mature flocs shows a dense core containing the remnants of fungal hyphae.
• Fungi appear to have a structure-enhancing role of in the formation of aerobic sludge flocs, and to maintain that role even to the point where the sludge is very mature: the fungi are never completely overgrown or eliminated from the flocs.
• The dead remnants of organisms called ‘ciliates’ are found to form the backbone of flocs in other wastewater sludges. Ciliates are single or multicellular higher life forms more complex in structure than bacteria or fungi, in that they are motile (able to actively move) and have a primitive digestive system.
• Ciliates are impossible to store in either liquid or dry products and therefore are not an option for an effluent treatment additive.
• Fungal spores are much more stable than ciliates, can be preserved in a dry powder formulation and offer an alternative method of rapidly achieving the correct sludge characteristics when added to an effluent treatment plant either at start-up or during upset recovery.
cellulose degradation:
• The fungi in Effluent Starter are also much more powerful cellulose degrading organisms than bacteria, meaning as well as providing structure to flocs, they also increase the ability of a biomass to reduce paper, or cellulose fibres in vegetable processing or pulp and paper effluents, for example.
• Cellulose is a linear polymer found in plants composed only of D-glucose molecules all linked the same way, called -1,4glycosidic bonds.
• Also within the plant structural fibre are hemicelluloses, a more complex polymer consisting of many different sugars including D- xylose, D-mannose, L-arabinose, D-galacturonic and D-glucuronic acids linked together by two different bond types.
• Micro-organisms capable of degrading cellulose produce a series of enzymes with different activities. The enzymes generally known as ‘cellulases’ includes various enzymes that release two glucose cellobiose molecules. The cellobiose molecules are broken down by another very specific enzyme.
• So, to fully degrade cellulose, a micro-organism must produce a range of different enzymes The most active cellulolytic microbes are fungi including Trichoderma which is present in Effluent Starter.
• Multiple enzymes are also required to mineralize hemicelluloses: the breakdown of the most common hemicellulose, xylan, requires four different enzymes. The most powerful xylan degrading microbes are Trichoderma and Aspergillus, as found in Effluent Starter.
• Bio-augmentation of the microflora with active cellulose and hemicellulose degrading fungi will increase the extent, and reduce the time for cellulose biodegradation to occur.general COD/BOD; predominantly plant derived materials: vegetable fibre, cellulose, hemi- cellulose, B-glucans, xylans, amyloses and starches also protein and volatile fatty acids

We specialize in providing complete energy-efficie nt, compact turnkey waste water treatment solutions throughout Africa. All our water treatment plants are custom designed, manufactured and constructed in the highest quality of materials, as well as the supply of necessary chemicals. We have successfully distributed superior quality waste water treatment products throughout Africa for many years. With the growing need to recycle waste water for reuse we have spent a lot of time and resources researching and developing a wide range of products that enable us to treat 99% of the waste water produced through various industries today. With collective organizational experience of over 35 years we are able to provide you with the latest of advancements in technology and quality of solutions to meet your waste water and water reuse requirements


Odours are a major problem in many situations. Products such as air fresheners are generally perfumes that use a strong, pleasant smell to mask the bad odour, but they usually work for only a short time and are easily overpowered. A range of chemical odour counteractant technologies have been developed and are now used in major retail brands. However, Bio Logik has taken the best of these technologies and combined it with bacteria, which gives a three pronged attack on odour problems: • The fragrance already present helps to immediately reduce the malodour.
• The unique chemical odour counteractant then binds any existing odour molecules, preventing them from being detected by the nose.
• The application-specific bacteria in the product produce extracellular enzymes that degrade organic matter such as proteins in the application area. The products of this degradation are then taken into the bacteria cells and used for growth. The slow breakdown of these materials, which would otherwise result in the formation of many malodourous compounds, cannot occur and the odour is prevented at the source. This bacteria has also been proven capable of the degradation of volatile fatty acids (VFA’s).
Superior fully formulated with focus on high performance
Advanced chemistry ensures immediate and effective cleaning
Product continues to degrade organic matter by biological action post-cleaning
Product prevents grease from resurfacing thus preventing dangerous, slippery floor conditions
Product is safe for users and the environment
Neutral PH
No rinsing required
· Odour Control for: Washrooms, Carpets, Fabric care
· Vehicle Interiors
· Sports equipment
· Shoes
· Refuse collection areas
· Pet areas, cages & pens
· Agricultural production facilities
· Highly effective against spoiled food, fish, cigarette smoke & other odourous compounds

BIOLOGIK - Bio Fizz Powder

BIOLOGIK - Bio Fizz Powder is an application specific blend of bacterial in a powder form selected to degrade a wide range of organic materials especially Fats, oils and Greases at a rapid rate to quickly establishing biomass with the optimum separation characteristics. With the new fizz technology we are able to increase heat and oxygen at initial application to accelerate the bacteria activity for superior results.
This will improve:
• Industrial and municipal biological effluent plants during start-up and upset recovery
• BOD/COD and suspended solids reduction
• Biological treatment of starchy, FOG wastes
• For start-up and upset recovery in:
- Municipal and industrial biological waste water plants.
- Small packaged sewage plants.
• For improvement of BOD/COD and suspended solids removal in poorly operating biological effluent plants.
• Industrial Treatment Systems
• Fat Traps
• Septic Tanks
• Blocked Drains


Handling liquid spills is important issue in various industries, where customers prefer products that can be dispensed with precision and with ease without traditional liquid cleaning procedures. The most suitable options here are freely flowing powders or microgranular products that do not cake or form dust. Achieving these characteristics means having to convert liquid substances or pastes into free-flowing powders. It also means maintaining flowability for powdered substances and preventing them from caking. BIOLOGIK has developed special grade of ultra-liquid absorbent material that has the power of organic degrading properties reducing organics and odour as soon as product has been applied to the area of treatment allowing simple removal by simply sweeping or vacuuming the product for dispensing into a bin.
Oil Spills
• Industrial Applications
• Restaurants and Hospitality Industries
• House Holds
• Liquids of all kinds
Biologik specialty BIO SORB has long proven to be an out-standing carrier of liquids and oils in many types of applications. A highly absorbent, freely flowing, chemically inert, physiologically harmless material. Bio Sorb yields a finished absorbate consisting of 50 – 70 % active agent, whose particle shape and handling properties are determined by the carrier. Biologik has developed its Bio Sorb specifically for producing dust-free and dry absorbates.


BIOLOGIK FOG BIO-SOLID is a slow dissolve, bacterial-laden solid for use in degrading organic waste in grease traps and grease interceptors. The safe, application-specific bacteria are present in high numbers to handle difficult organic problems. The unique brick will dissolve gradually which allows for continuous treatment and degradation of waste. The naturally-occurring bacteria contained in the brick will reduce odour, sludge, fats, oils and grease build-up.
• Fat & Grease Traps
• Waste Water Plants
• Septic Tanks
• Grey Water Systems
• Waste Pumps
• Oxidation Ditches
• Lift Stations
• Lagoons & Dams

BIOLOGIK Grease Trap Powder

BIOLOGIK Grease Trap Powder is an application-specific blend of Bacillus cultures specially selected for their ability to degrade animal and vegetable fats, oils and grease (FOG). These bacteria are blended onto a fully soluble carrier The bacterial strains selected produce a wide range of extra-cellular hydrolytic enzymes that aid the biodegradation of other substrates that might be encountered in drain lines, grease traps and septic systems such as fats, starch, protein and cellulose.
• Kitchen drain lines
• Grease traps and grease interceptors.
• Wet wells and waste water pipping
• Municipal wastewater treatment plants with grease problems.
• Industrial wastewater treatment, especially in the food industry.

BIOLOGIK Hydrocarbon Powder

BIOLOGIK Hydrocarbon Powder is a unique blend of different bacteria strains formulated to effectively degrade both aromatic and aliphatic petroleum hydrocarbons. The bacillus consortium plus the addition of pseudomonas has been blended effectively to concentrate on the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil applications and bioremediations
• Wastewater Treatment plants
• Water & Soil Bioremediation
• Workshops – Household, Automotive, Industrial
• Vehicle, Trucks, Busses & Trailers
• Industrial Equipment
• Wash bays & other runoff areas


BIOLOGIK Pond Maintain is a powder based product containing a highly specialized, application-specific bacterial blend to remove organic matter from a variety of closed water systems containing fish and animal wastes, or decaying plant material. A stable, closed aquatic environment is a delicate balance between creation and removal of wastes. If this balance is perturbed then water may become cloudy and dissolved oxygen levels depleted by high demand. Compounds toxic to aquatic life can also build up, making it difficult to restore balance without excessive and expensive cleaning. The key to keeping healthy ponds is the maintenance of high water quality. The common means to achieve high quality clean water is an effective biological filtration system and aeration. Effective biological filters rely on the build-up of a microbial biomass that removes solid and dissolved waste materials. Pond Maintain is a very effective and proven method of augmenting a weak aquatic biomass and seeding of biological filters.

Maintenance of high water quality in:
• Ornamental and recreational ponds and lakes
• Commercial fisheries and prawn farms
• Closed water systems
• Fresh, brackish and saline applications
• Canals, marinas or other water bodies with low flow
• Fresh, brackish and saline water