
Firefighting Vehicles also known as fire fighting trucks and fire engines are designed to assist in fighting fires by transporting firefighters and fire fighting equipment to the scene of fire or other emergency. The primary purposes of a fire engine include transporting firefighters to an incident scene, providing water with which to fight a fire, and carrying other equipment needed by firefighters. Specialized apparatus are used to provide hazardous materials mitigation and technical rescue. A typical modern fire engine will carry tools for a wide range of firefighting tasks, with common equipment including a pump, a water tank, hoses, ground ladders, hand tools, self-contained breathing apparatuses and medical supplies. The exact layout of what is carried on an engine is decided by the needs of the department. For example, fire departments located in metropolitan areas will carry equipment to mitigate hazardous materials and effect technical rescues, while departments that operate in the wildland-urban interface will need the gear to deal with brush fires.

Major Pumpers
Medium Pumpers
Rural Pumpers

Combination Pumpers
High Rise Solution
Raid Intervention Vehicles